Ajuna SDK Toolchain

Ajuna.SDK is a .NET toolchain featuring .NET framework extensions and code generation utilities that allow for quickly building substrate storage services and clients.

This toolchain is under heavy development, and things may change quickly. Please use it with caution until there is a stable release available.

Main Repos

The toolchain consists of three main repositories:

The basic framework for handling JSON-RPC connections and all standard RPC calls exposed by the rpc.methods() of every substrate node. It additionally implements Rust primitives and Generics as a C# representation.

Features .NET framework extensions and code generation utilities to quickly build substrate storage services and clients.

Implements the basic functionality to create an account and encrypt it on a device-based filesystem.

  • Supports mnemonic, AES, SR25519 and ED25519.

  • Encodes and decodes substrate-based address formats in ss58.

Last updated